equitable access to play
Equitable Access to Play
Our Board of Directors recognize the inequities in our sport and are working towards making ultimate more equitable for players by increasing opportunities to play, encouraging participation in leadership, and creating an environment in which all voices are heard and valued.
Financial Support for Players
The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee proposed two avenues for financial support:
1) Discretionary Fund – there is a registration link in the Events page (through Zuluru) for any members looking to donate throughout the year to support players who do not have the means to afford the registration price of HUC leagues and/or events. Players looking to apply for funds should fill out the application at bit.ly/HUCsupport.
2) Flexible Pricing – will be used for individual registrations in individual hat leagues (in 2022 and future years). We are using this model to allow people to pay a range of prices – if your situation allows you to pay more, you can do so knowing that your support will go towards subsidizing others who have less means. Any excess income from the flexible pricing would be held in the Discretionary Fund that would be accessible to players that are looking for monetary support from the league.
*The discretionary fund will only be available to players if there is money available in the fund. This will depend on the support provided by HUC members. Thanks for your understanding.
HUC’S Flexible Pricing – Explained
Starting in 2022 we are using a flexible pricing model to allow people to pay a range of prices – if your situation allows you to pay more, you can do so knowing that your support will go towards subsidizing others who have less means. Together, we can keep our sport and community accessible!
How it Works:
People with more access to money, family wealth, and overall financial stability pay more for the same services than those who are less financially secure. That way, everyone pays closer to a similar percentage of their expendable income for our league. While the world still runs on money, this is the best way to ensure our Club can continue providing awesome events and experiences for everyone!
As you decide whether you should pay more, less, or the same amount as our starting rates, you’ll consider the following:
- Your household income
- Your access to family assets & wealth, or assistance you provide to your family
- Your debt to income ratio
- The relative costs of meeting your basic needs

Other ideas for making our league more accessible:
carpool programs
high school support and outreach
recruiting volunteers (proactive outreach to current members)
*Can you help with any of these ideas or have some of your own? Contact Us to let us know!